Fr. Emmanuel provided us with an audio track of his homily from Sunday, June 18, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Jesus Christ (Corpus Christi). Length is 20:55.
The Diocese of Orlando, in fulfillment of its mission of teaching and living the Light of Christ in Central Florida, seeks to attract and retain a qualified and diverse staff that is committed to excellence in service. Carefully follow the instructions given to apply today.
The application for our $500 scholarship deadline is Wednesday, March 15, 2017. The Southern Deanery of the Council of Catholic Women is offering this scholarship to a Catholic Brevard County high school graduating senior. (link above)
Our search for a new Music Director is over! Joseph "Joe" Marcellino was chosen from five applicants. The parish community was pleased to welcome Joe on his first weekend playing organ and piano November 7 and 8.
The Diocese of Orlando is home to 79 parishes, 12 missions, 2 basilicas, 37 Catholic schools, 7 campus ministry centers, and various entities to enrich our faith and serve the people of God.
Holy Spirit Parishioner Greg Gullikson was one of the speakers sharing best practices of promoting a culture of vocations, at the diocese’s 7th Annual Parish Vocations Services Workshop, held April 11 at St. Margaret Mary Parish. Nearly 100 people, including priests, religious men and women, parish leaders and a group of young men discerning the call to the priesthood, attended the daylong event.
The video we saw in Mass last weekend is Session 9.3 of the Decision Point Confirmation program created by Matthew Kelly and Dynamic Catholic. The entire program is FREE online.
Brevard Young Adult Catholics meet the first Tuesday each month at Baci's Pizza in Rockledge at 6:30pm. Join us November 4 to hear Father Doug Bailey speak about Advent.
This annual shoebox project of Samaritan's Purse is supported by the Holy Spirit Council of Catholic Women in Mims. The little shoebox gifts delight poor children around the world. Return to Emmaus Hall November 15-16. For more information, call Anne Griffin, (321) 432-3666.
The $25 raffle tickets are sold by teens & adults (travelers to World Youth Day 2016) and CCW members. Drawing is at 1pm on Sunday, November 9. Call Sister Loretta for info, (321) 383-4010.
Help us support the purchase of wheelchairs for disabled children through the nonprofit group, CAPS OF LOVE. Please visit the website to make sure you're collecting and sorting the right type of caps. Bring your caps to Emmaus Hall for the next year.